Our Energy Future
Case studies
TLC – sharing community renewable energy
Alpine Energy enables electrification and decarbonisation at WoolWorks
Westpower's low voltage monitoring device
New energy technology in the home
Fact sheets
Charging electric vehicles
Process Heat
Remote area power supplies
Remote area power supply - Mangaweka
Aurora’s Energy's Upper Clutha project
Vector's electric vehicle charging research
New Zealand networks moving to meet EV boom
Launch of New Zealand's first utility-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Unison’s Windsor Substation achieves world-first Living Building Challenge Petal Certification
Total household energy costs will reduce with electrification
Solar uptake in the far north accelerating
Network Transformation Roadmap refresh - webinar
Network Transformation Roadmap
ENA/Northern Energy Group webinar
Our Energy Future
Case studies
TLC – sharing community renewable energy
Alpine Energy enables electrification and decarbonisation at WoolWorks
Westpower's low voltage monitoring device
New energy technology in the home
Fact sheets
Charging electric vehicles
Process Heat
Remote area power supplies
Aurora’s Energy's Upper Clutha project
Vector's electric vehicle charging research
Remote area power supply - Mangaweka
New Zealand networks moving to meet EV boom
Launch of New Zealand's first utility-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Unison’s Windsor Substation achieves world-first Living Building Challenge Petal Certification
Solar uptake in the far north accelerating
Network Transformation Roadmap
Network Transformation Roadmap refresh - webinar
ENA/Northern Energy Group webinar
Total household energy costs will reduce with electrification
Remote area power supply - Mangaweka
27 June 2022